Textbook of infectious diseases | Naklada Slap

Textbook of infectious diseases

Dragan Lepur

  • Dimensions: 21 x 28,5 cm
  • Hardcover: 472 pages
  • ISBN: 978-953-191-935-7

  • Price: 113,32 €

 International buyers

This book represents the result of our humble efforts to introduce the principles of infectious diseases (ID) to the students of medicine and dental medicine in a comprehensive but concise manner. Owing to its practical approach, the textbook should also prove useful to ID trainees before they delve deeper into this area. This book is also intended for practicing physicians, nurses, infection control practitioners, and other health care providers.

In addition to the mandatory topics covered by this textbook, we have also tried to encompass other potentially interesting topics to assist in the illustration of contemporary, holistic-based infectology. However, the concise nature of this book necessitated the omission of several topics including, among others, pathophysiology, antimicrobial therapy, and microbiology which are thoroughly depicted in other widely available textbooks.